Thursday, April 9, 2009

Master Cleanse, Day 7

Ugh. Today is Day 7, and yes, it is the worst day thus far. It's still not as bad as everyone made it out to be, but I am starting to wonder if giving birth to two giants naturally, and having them both in cloth diapers, has somehow prepared me for the extra "ugh" factor of Day 7. Or maybe its my tolerance for discomfort and grossness that has allowed me to do these things. I dunno. I just know I feel not-so-good today, but not so bad that I wanna quit either. I know this cruddy, crappy, (punny), feeling means that the cleanse is working. Hopefully, this means the peace and serenity are on their way. Bring it! Bring me peace! PLEASE!!!


Nicole said...

Euphoria and spiritual enlightenment are on their way, baby!!!

You're an inspiration. I'm not doing so hot on the yeasty-murdering diet. Ugh. I NEED my carbs! I'm freaking STARVING! (Oh wait...I'm tandem nursing a newborn and a 2 yr old...maybe I'm supposed to be!)

SnarfySnee said...

If feeding the two of them doesn't make you starving, well then your a miracle of nature!