Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Mission Completed : 10 Day Master Cleanse

I do not reccomend planning a master cleanse so that any of your cleansing days fall on a holiday! My 10th day was Easter Sunday. I suppose it was good for me. I proved to myself that I can resist the blueberry pie I slaved over... but was that really necessary?

In any case, I did 10 days. My tounge was nearly clear and pink by the end, and I felt pretty good. I decided it was a good place to stop. It was not until the 10th day that I actually began to miss food. Plus, it had totally revitalized me for experimental cooking. I was burnt out with all the cooking that I have to do, but now I am looking foward to trying some new things.

I did not follow the instructions for breaking the cleanse explicitly. I listened to my body, and there have been no ill effects thus far. I cannot even begin to explain how much better I feel! I think spiritually, I could have gone longer. But I plan on doing this quarterly, and sometimes, when I jump in... I jump in a little too deep and burn out faster than I would like, so I decided my first cleanse would stop here. In three months, I'll be doing it again, and maybe I go 15 or 20. Only time will tell...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You're my hero. That's freaking awesome that you made it 10 days.